Wednesday, 28 March 2012


How do you decide the things you will define yourself by in life? The copious shit you own, line your walls with, wear to the gym/grocery store/casual friday etc. The one I've been contemplating is what music counts as within my potential repertoire and which will always elude me or be forever unknown.

At first I adopted the notion that since I can wear a ratty tee shirt to the gym (or to pick up dinner) and have worn more dressy clothes to fridays than on mondays, the same should stand for music. Give me a rocking out 80's hair metal piece and I will adapt it to me. Give me Rhianna and I will do the same. Being the hippie that I inevitably am, and not being one to hear 'you can't' without a valid reason, I am drawn to this notion of anything goes. Its abut conquering again. Going to a foreign land and taking it on as your own in order to have it be part of you instead of you, part of it. So with this in mind I've been hearing every song out there with new ears. I've been trying to determine if I have a line that I won't be able to cross. Funny thing happened.

I realized there might be something noble, maybe pure, maybe vital, in the preservation of certain songs as there are and have been to me. By this I mean, there might be a few tunes that fall into a category where my passion for my craft and my less than ripe status as a musician means I don't yet (or ever) deserve to wander their path. It might be about keeping those meanings and tracks in my memory as untarnished by me, untouched and virgin, but it might also be my fantastic contradiction about musical philosophy.

I want to be able to conquer all, but I also feel it a necessary evil to maintain some mortal status in not allowing myself all the knowledge I might want. The only thing worse than growing up to find you know nothing in growing into a space where you feel there is nothing left to know.

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